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Haven of the Five Companions | ESO Housing Preview
Vladministrator Gaming

Haven of the Five Companions | ESO Housing Preview

Hello Everyone, Running around West Weald today I realized that we could now preview the upcoming player house Haven of the Five Companions. This is expected to be the last morph of the Molag Bal Illusion Imp. Each fragment can be purchased from the Impresario event merchant once they become available. The first two fragments should go live with the Witches Festival 2024 with the last fragment becoming available in later events. I was quite impressed with the house, and think it would make a great guild hall. The circular design with the pedistals in the courtyard area make great spots to build crafting areas and parsing areas for target dummies while making them all easy to find. The furnishing that look to come with the house will make it feel complete even if you don't do a lot of your own decorating. Let me know your thoughts down below in the comments. I'm on Discord! Check out the Lucy and Vlad's Gaming Emporium sever and join the community! Chat with me, Lucy Jane Plays, and other gamers as we share our adventures, share advise, and jump into fun games. Join using the link below Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE so you get the latest content from Vladministrator Gaming! Its the best way to support my channel, and its FREE! You can also find me at the links below.
No Man's Sky| Omega Expedition Part 3
Vladministrator Gaming

No Man's Sky| Omega Expedition Part 3

Hello Fellow Travellers. Today I'll be jumping into the newest expedition for No Man's Sky: Omega. This expedition and accompanying update allow you to bring over a ship, multitool, and resources from your main save into your expedition. I'm not sure how this works just yet, but we're going to find out! This expedition is part of the latest Omega. The Omega update brings a complete overhaul of expeditions, new on-planet missions, a new pirate dreadnought to own, and much more. They've updated the Atlas Path questline, and also introduced a new unique starship, the Starborn Runner, that can be earned in the expedition. I'm looking forward to checking out these new updates and earning some cool rewards. Free to Play! This expedition has come with a Free to Play week so new players can check things out without spending anything! With NMS available on so many platforms, I encourage you to check it out on your favorite gaming hardware. You're sure to have a great experience no matter what platform you prefer. From 14:00 GMT, Thursday 15th Feb to 18:00 GMT, Monday 19th Feb, the entire Omega expedition will be open to everyone, entirely for free, even if you don’t own No Man’s Sky! This is the best time for players old and new to come together and explore the universe. I'm on Discord! Check out the Lucy and Vlad's Gaming Emporium sever and join the community! Chat with me, Lucy Jane Plays, and other gamers as we share our adventures, share advise, and jump into fun games. Join using the link below. Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE so you get the latest content from Vladministrator Gaming! It's the best way to support my channel, and its FREE! #vladministrator #nomanssky You can also find me at the links below.
No Man's Sky| Omega Expedition Part 2
Vladministrator Gaming

No Man's Sky| Omega Expedition Part 2

Hello Fellow Travellers. Today I'll be jumping into the newest expedition for No Man's Sky: Omega. This expedition and accompanying update allow you to bring over a ship, multitool, and resources from your main save into your expedition. I'm not sure how this works just yet, but we're going to find out! This expedition is part of the latest Omega. The Omega update brings a complete overhaul of expeditions, new on-planet missions, a new pirate dreadnought to own, and much more. They've updated the Atlas Path questline, and also introduced a new unique starship, the Starborn Runner, that can be earned in the expedition. I'm looking forward to checking out these new updates and earning some cool rewards. Free to Play! This expedition has come with a Free to Play week so new players can check things out without spending anything! With NMS available on so many platforms, I encourage you to check it out on your favorite gaming hardware. You're sure to have a great experience no matter what platform you prefer. From 14:00 GMT, Thursday 15th Feb to 18:00 GMT, Monday 19th Feb, the entire Omega expedition will be open to everyone, entirely for free, even if you don’t own No Man’s Sky! This is the best time for players old and new to come together and explore the universe. I'm on Discord! Check out the Lucy and Vlad's Gaming Emporium sever and join the community! Chat with me, Lucy Jane Plays, and other gamers as we share our adventures, share advise, and jump into fun games. Join using the link below. Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE so you get the latest content from Vladministrator Gaming! It's the best way to support my channel, and its FREE! #vladministrator #nomanssky You can also find me at the links below.
No Man's Sky| Omega Expedition
Vladministrator Gaming

No Man's Sky| Omega Expedition

Hello Fellow Travellers. Today I'll be jumping into the newest expedition for No Man's Sky: Omega. This expedition and accompanying update allow you to bring over a ship, multitool, and resources from your main save into your expedition. I'm not sure how this works just yet, but we're going to find out! This expedition is part of the latest Omega. The Omega update brings a complete overhaul of expeditions, new on-planet missions, a new pirate dreadnought to own, and much more. They've updated the Atlas Path questline, and also introduced a new unique starship, the Starborn Runner, that can be earned in the expedition. I'm looking forward to checking out these new updates and earning some cool rewards. Free to Play! This expedition has come with a Free to Play weekend so new players can check things out without spending anything! With NMS available on so many platforms, I encourage you to check it out on your favorite gaming hardware. You're sure to have a great experience no matter what platform you prefer. From 14:00 GMT, Thursday 15th Feb to 18:00 GMT, Monday 19th Feb, the entire Omega expedition will be open to everyone, entirely for free, even if you don’t own No Man’s Sky! This is the best time for players old and new to come together and explore the universe. I'm on Discord! Check out the Lucy and Vlad's Gaming Emporium sever and join the community! Chat with me, Lucy Jane Plays, and other gamers as we share our adventures, share advise, and jump into fun games. Join using the link below. Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE so you get the latest content from Vladministrator Gaming! It's the best way to support my channel, and its FREE! #vladministrator #nomanssky You can also find me at the links below.
Working Dynamic Drawbridge | Lego Fortnite
Vladministrator Gaming

Working Dynamic Drawbridge | Lego Fortnite

Hello Everyone, In today's video I'll be showing you how to build a functioning Drawbridge in Lego Fortnite. This build turned out to be quite ambitious, and I had to work out how best to work within the current limits in the game when it comes to using dynamic pieces, and managing their interactions with other pieces with in-game physics. Even after I had it worked out, I had to rebuild several times to get to my desired final result. Hopefully my headaches will be your helping hand to avoid some to the mistakes as I include several tips through out the build. The functioning part of the drawbridge makes use of several items in the Toys category of the Lego Fortnite build menu. We will be using several thrusters, switches, balloons, dynamic platforms, and wheels in the moving parts of the drawbridge. Make sure you have the materials to build these components. 4 dynamic platforms, 12 Wheels, 8 balloons, 4 small thrusters, and 4 switches. I am showing each step without speeding up the video as it will make viewing the video as a build guide easier to follow and my placement of Lego pieces easier to follow. I am including timestamps to key build portions of the video so that it will make finding those parts of the build easier to find if you need to review some steps. 0:00 Introduction 0:45 Pre-Build Considerations 3:57 Prep Work 7:34 Starting Out 9:29 Important note on Spacing 10:05 Preparing for Rustic Pillars 12:44 Placing Rustic Pillars 18:23 Platforms for Dynamic Foundation Support 21:55 Final Prep before Dynamic Foundations 23:48 Putting in Support Pylons 28:50 Dynamic Foundations for Bridge Spans 31:55 Balloon & Thruster Support platform 33:58 Thruster Placement 34:26 Pivot Wheel Placement 36:56 Lock in Pivot Wheels 39:27 Balloon placement 40:18 Remove Temporary Supports 42:36 Final Balloons 43:25 Main Stitches 44:03 Pylon Tire Support Bumpers 46:34 Secondary Switches 48:47 Initial Test 49:07 Final notes 50:02 Final Test! I'm on Discord! Check out the Lucy and Vlad's Gaming Emporium sever and join the community! Chat with me, Lucy Jane Plays, and other gamers as we share our adventures, share advise, and jump into fun games. Join using the link below. Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE so you get the latest content from Vladministrator Gaming! It's the best way to support my channel, and its FREE! You can also find me at the links below.

Fallout 76 Camp Builds

Suburban Home | Fallout 76 Camp Build
Vladministrator Gaming

Suburban Home | Fallout 76 Camp Build

Hello Fellow Wastelanders, Today I'm sharing my Suburbs house campus build, built in the Suburbs of Morgantown. Not my usual build, I wanted to make something that felt like it would belong in a pre-nuclear apocalypse. I'm quite happy with how everything turned out. While this build may seem simple at first glance there are quite a few things going on. First, I've got overhanging roofs that extend past the structure walls. I've used some foundations with merged plants and a fountain to add some half width flower beds at the front of the house. The entrance is recessed from the main wall line of the house front, and I've added a set of double stairs to get you up to the door. Inside is a kitchen, seating area, bedroom and Bathroom that all add their fair share of merges to being the decor of the house all together. In the back we have a narrow patio, with a rotating set of half staircases to get you down to ground level. Paired with the house we have a garage. Its complete with some special wiring for controlling the rolling door, along with merged items on all the shelving to make it really look used. Let me know what you think, and if there's any elements that make you go "How did he do that?" feel free to ask in the comments. 0:00 Intro 0:21 Showcase 3:40 House Walkthrough 9:36 Thanks for Watching! Thanks for tuning in and checking out the build! I'm on Discord! Check out the Lucy and Vlad's Gaming Emporium sever and join the community! Chat with me, Lucy Jane Plays, and other gamers as we share our adventures, share advise, and jump into fun games. Join using the link below! Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE so you get the latest content from Vladministrator Gaming! It's the best way to support my channel, and its FREE! You can also find me at the links below.
The Bank Heist | Fallout 76 Silent Film
Vladministrator Gaming

The Bank Heist | Fallout 76 Silent Film

Hello Wastelanders, Today I've got something a little different, a #Fallout76 Silent Film! Our film follows an escaped prisoner and his quest to satiate his greed by robbing a branch of the WV Bank Co. What does the wasteland have in store for our assailant? I hope the story comes across clear for everyone. I tried to keep it simple, but hey, what works in my mind may fall flat with someone else. Let me know if something gets lost in translation, lol. This was inspired by my own personal quest to make a countdown timer in my camp. I ended up building a bank with a less that friendly safe room! The countdown timer was a success and I'll be sharing a how to build video on it shortly, so stay tuned! A big thank you to Abscenae and @LucyJanePlays , who portrayed our main characters, and a couple of side characters too. Abscenae provided the awesome courtroom camp for the trial of our burned escapee. It was just too great a setting to pass up the opportunity to use it in the story. Let me know what you think in the comments. Thank You for Watching! Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE so you get the latest content from Vladministrator Gaming! Its the best way to support my channel, and its FREE! You can also find me at the links below.
Let There Be Cake! | Fallout 76 Camp Showcase
Vladministrator Gaming

Let There Be Cake! | Fallout 76 Camp Showcase

Hello Wastelanders, Today I've got a special build to share with you. I've put together a Cake shaped camp, appropriately sitting on a plate and sell the finest confections the wasteland has to offer! This build even has a companion shelter to continue with the build theme. You won't want to miss it. Join me as I showcase the camp build. I put together a cinematic to showcase the camp, then I do a quick walkthrough to give some insight in to my design choices. No self-respecting person building a cake in a wasteland filled with vaults performing experiments on their dwellers couldn't reference the game Portal in the build. The camp is full of Portal refences, from the Entrance Door, the iconic Companion Cube, and even GLaDOS herself make an appearance. See if you can catch all the references as the Cinematic showcase portion plays before I do my walkthrough and point them out. Here are some key timestamps for those who like to jump around. 0:00 Salutations 0:21 Cinematic Showcase 5:26 Camp Walkthrough 9:23 Shelter Walkthrough 11:37 Sign Off Thank you for watching everyone. I hope you enjoyed the build! Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE so you get the latest content from Vladministrator Gaming! It's the best way to support my channel, and its FREE! You can also find me at the links below.
Teeny Tiny Home Build Challenge with Lucy Jane Plays | Fallout 76
Vladministrator Gaming

Teeny Tiny Home Build Challenge with Lucy Jane Plays | Fallout 76

Hello Wastelanders, Today I'm here with Lucy from Lucy Jane Plays. We had ourselves a friendly competition to create tiny homes in our #Fallout76 Camps. Today I'll be showcasing Lucy's builds for you to take a look at. Be sure to check out Lucy's channel to get a look at all my Tiny Homes builds and let us know which ones you like the best. Lucy's showcase of my Tiny Homes: Lucy has put together 4 different creations and I think they all came out great. She's got a country home for a single lady, a Camper Van for all you wasteland wanders, a modern cabin with a loft, and the home pod of the future for all you urbanites. I enjoy the simplicity of the country home, the creativeness of the camper van, the space usage of the cabin, and the home pod's combination of nature and openness. Our challenge did have a few rules: 1. Can only have a two-foundation/floor footprint 2. Must include a Bed 3. Must include a cooking craft bench 4. Bed and Cooking bench must be within the two-foundation/floor footprint (not in the front lawn.) We would love to see what you can put together using the same guidelines. Share your photos or videos with us on Lucy's discord, or on Facebook and Twitter using the hashtag #FO76TeenyTiny. Be sure to check out Lucy's Channel: You can join Lucy's discord using this link: Just remember to follow the server rules and "Be Excellent to Each Other!" Thank you for watching everyone! Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE so you get the latest content from Vladministrator Gaming! It's the best way to support my channel, and its FREE! You can also find me at the links below.
1313 Mockingbird Lane | The Munsters Fallout 76 Camp Showcase
Vladministrator Gaming

1313 Mockingbird Lane | The Munsters Fallout 76 Camp Showcase

#FalloutCamps #Vladministrator Today I'm showcasing my lastest #Fallout76 Camp Build, 1313 Mockingbird Lane, Otherwise know as the Munsters House! Come take a look at what I've put together, then after the showcase I'll do a walkthrough to give more background into the build. I started this build on my first channel livestream and spent the rest of the week fine tuning it and getting everything just right. As always camp budget was a major concern and I wish I had a bit more to go all out on the interior decorations. As it stands I spent a lot of time working to make the front of the house have the right look, profile, and scaling to match as best as possible to the actual Munsters' house from the TV show. I think I got as close as you can get building in Fallout 76. Inside I took creative liberties with the space, but made sure spot had his home under the front staircase, and that I represented all the family members with mannequins. My favorite room is the master bedroom/den, with the den being the focal point of the room. The other rooms of the house include the family dining room, as small study, a Mothman worship center, and of course Grandpa's dungeon. I was pressed for budget with all of the interior. The footprint of the actual house came out quite large, so I had to be judicious in my decorating decisions. Be sure to let me know what you think in the comments. I'd love to hear(read) your feedback. Thanks for watching! Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE so you get the latest content from Vladministrator Gaming! Its the best way to support my channel, and its FREE! You can also find me at the links below.

How to Build Series

How to Build Flush Banistered Stairs with a Spandrel Closet | Fallout 76
Vladministrator Gaming

How to Build Flush Banistered Stairs with a Spandrel Closet | Fallout 76

Hello Wastelanders! Today I'm revisiting an older build element from by Fallout 76 How to Build series, to improve upon the concept| Flush Banistered Stairs with a Spandrel closet. My previous technique involved a blueprint to get the desired result, and it thus limited the technique to newer builds where a blueprint could be placed and incorporated. This new technique does away with the need for a blueprint, thus making it more versatile, and much easier to incorporate into an existing build. I'll cover how to get all the elements in place, and a few extra notes like getting items to place down under stairs without receiving an error from the build engine. Let me know what you think of the new method! Thanks for tuning in. I'm on Discord! Check out the Lucy and Vlad's Gaming Emporium sever and join the community! Chat with me, Lucy Jane Plays, and other gamers as we share our adventures, share advise, and jump into fun games. Join using the link below Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE so you get the latest content from Vladministrator Gaming! It's the best way to support my channel, and its FREE! #fallout76 #tipsandtricks #vladministrator You can also find me at the links below.
How to Build a Countdown Timer | Fallout 76
Vladministrator Gaming

How to Build a Countdown Timer | Fallout 76

Hello Wastelanders, Today I'm going to show you how to build a countdown timer in your #Fallout76 camp using lightboxes. You may have seen this in my recent silent short film the Heist. I'll go through detailed steps of recreating the timer, as well as give insight into how power prioritization works in Fallout 76. Even if you don't build the timer yourself, the concepts used here can be helpful for working out your own electrical triggers in your camp. This is by far the longest how to build video I've made. Mostly due to the many wires that need to be attached, that stuff just takes time. So, for those you who catch on quick, or just want to jump to the juicy parts use the timestamps to get where you want to watch quick. 0:00 Intro 0:26 Project Overview 1:25 Power Prioritization Explanation 5:40 Setting the Light Grid 8:53 Activation Switch 11:11 Use Shadow 11:58 Setting the Numbers (core sequence steps) 32:14 Finished Working Countdown 33:54 Things to avoid 38:50 Thanks for Watching! Now I didn't figure out the power prioritization all on my own. I worked off information provided by Korin over on his channel. Here is a link to his power prioritization video. Thanks for sharing this Korin! Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE so you get the latest content from Vladministrator Gaming! Its the best way to support my channel, and its FREE! You can also find me at the links below.
Simple and Fund Camp Item Merges | Fallout 76
Vladministrator Gaming

Simple and Fund Camp Item Merges | Fallout 76

Happy New Year Wastelanders, Today's video has 5 fun and simple #Fallout76 camp item merges to spice up your camp! Our first merge is fun, not just because you get a functioning toilet but also a little bit of toilet humor. We merge a stool into the toilet, so we can sit down properly while making our virtual deposits. The next item is for all of you who like to party with the hard stuff. We merge a Nukashine keg in our Vintage Water Cooler to make a Nukashine cooler. Next we combine a portrait picture with a wall mounted ghoul head, to create a 3D painting. Thank you MysticStorm for introducing me to this simple yet fun merge. The next merge is a little mor complicated, but not by much. First, we balance the Mr. Fuzzy tinker's workbench on a conduit. Then place it atop our Vault Tec University statue. Once merged we've got the new mascot for Mr. Fuzzy U! This next one is my favorite. We place the Octopus bubble maker on our hot tub, then merge him down into the water. Now your pet octopus has a warm, watery home to spread his cheer. Our final merge is the most complicated, but the results are worth it. We strategically place some rides on top of rugs, then merge them onto a umbrella patio table. When complete you have an awesome mini wasteland carousel for your camp! 0:00 Introduction 0:20 Working Toilet 1:30 Nukashine Cooler 2:04 3D Painting 2:38 Scholarly Mr. Fuzzy Statue 4:38 Octopus Hot Tub 6:03 Wasteland Carousel Ride 11:19 Thanks for Watching Thanks for tuning in everyone. I appreciate it. Have some fun merges of your own? Feel free to share in the comments. Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE so you get the latest content from Vladministrator Gaming! It's the best way to support my channel, and its FREE! You can also find me at the links below.
How to Build Flying Santa's Sleigh | Fallout 76
Vladministrator Gaming

How to Build Flying Santa's Sleigh | Fallout 76

Hello Wastelanders, Today I'll be showing you how to put together a Flying Santa Sleigh in your #Fallout76 Camp. Brighten up your camp with some wacky wasteland fun this Holiday! Overall, this build is not hard but does take time, patience, and attention to detail. We do a lot of merging, and compound merging to set up the components of our sleigh and getting it staged so that it is floating. The end result is quite spectacular. It looks great when lit up at night. Its sure to delight some of your camp visitors. I'll skip the step-by-step writeup this time, because it is pretty long. I've added chapters to the video so you can jump to the different build aspects as you go along. 0:00 Intro 0:18 Making Reindeer 0:44 Adding Lights to the Reindeer 1:44 Merging Reindeer Lights 2:25 Adding Reign Connectors 3:54 Finished Reindeer 4:04 Building the Sleigh 4:25 Fabricating the Sleigh Front 5:00 Adding Generators to Sleigh 5:40 Adding Reign Sleigh Hookups 6:46 Adding Sleigh Seating 7:42 Combining Sleigh front and back 10:30 Sleigh Decoration and Power 11:34 Preparing Sleigh for Floating 12:00 Preparing Reindeer for Floating 12:19 Set Scaffolding for Sleigh and Reindeer 13:07 Staging the Reindeer 16:39 Staging the Sleigh 17:20 Adding Reins to final staged Sleigh 18:14 Power to front Reindeer 18:45 Completed Sleigh 19:17 The Cat 19:32 Thanks for Watching We make use of several atomic shop items in the build. We use the Giddy Up Buttercup ride, the Red Rocket bar set, the rectangular area rugs, the Corvega Trailer from Fallout 1st, the colored string lights, the Santa Decoration, and the Prototype vault tec generators. Don't let this discourage you if you don't have these items. You can make substitutions as you feel necessary to make the final product your own. Thanks for Watching! Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE so you get the latest content from Vladministrator Gaming! Its the best way to support my channel, and its FREE! You can also find me at the links below.
How to Build Merged Foundation Wildwood Den | Fallout 76
Vladministrator Gaming

How to Build Merged Foundation Wildwood Den | Fallout 76

#Fallout Today we'll go over How to Build the Wildwood Den prefab with Merged Foundations in your #Fallout76 Camp. I've had a few inquiries from channel viewers that ran into some bumps along the way, so I put this quick guide together to help out where I can. The biggest challenge of this one isn't putting together the blueprint to merge the foundations into the prefab, but getting it to actually place. This How to Build video uses the Wildwood Den prefab from the Fallout 76 atomic shop. It also makes use of the foundation flip blueprint trick. We start off by setting the height of our foundations using the Wildwood den as guide. The Den should be placed where the foundation is as high as possible to make alignment easier. The height needs to be at a high just below the lip of the lover building molding. This piece is above the concrete foundation of the prefab. Making the foundation higher will result in it being above the floor of the Den once the merge happens, which won't look good. Once we have the height of our foundations right, we build a U shape with a 5-foundation width. Then we need to put in three walls that will be part of our blueprint. The walls all need the wallpaper side facing the interior of the build. Once the walls are in place, we can store the foundations we put in place to get the wallpaper facing the correct direction. Now we need to get our Wildwood Den in place for the blueprint. We'll use the center wall as a guide to put in in place. Having the center wall as a doorframe during this process will make it easier. Make sure that when you place the Wildwood Den, that you ensure is as high as the terrain allow, just as we did initially when setting the foundation height. Now we can blueprint our resulting structure, which includes 3 foundations, 3 walls, and the Wildwood Den. Placing the blueprint is the biggest challenge of the build. The game can be very temperamental and specific on what will allow it to place. To get it to place, you'll need to ensure that the skirting of the foundations, all of them, is higher than ground level. This can be hard on a perfectly flat piece of ground, and also on ground that had a dip in the center. It's actually easier to place on terrain with a slight incline toward the center, giving the outside foundations plenty of clearance at the skirting level. I hope this helps everyone out, especially those that were asking for some tips on how to get the merge to work with this prefab. Thanks for Watching! Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE so you get the latest content from Vladministrator Gaming! It's the best way to support my channel, and its FREE! You can also find me at the links below. #Vladministrator
How to Build Double Doors | Fallout 76
Vladministrator Gaming

How to Build Double Doors | Fallout 76

Hello Wastelanders, In today's #Fallout76 how to build video, we'll do over how to create Double Doors. These look great for diners, large houses, and any entrance you want to make a bold statement! I'll start out by noting that the process outlined is not an exact science. There aren't any snapping mechanics in the game that will allow us to complete this method without having to do some free placement of foundations. This method is intended to get you as close to possible, so that your final adjustments are minor and take some of the headache out of creating your double doors. The end result of the method shown will be a set of double doors, aligned to the center of a foundation that both "Open" in the same direction. To achieve this, we have to set the second door at a 90-degree angle from the first door. That way when it is in its natural open state, it looks closed and in line with the original door, and closing it makes it look open. In the build I utilize the red and white floor tile pattern to assist with the alignment of foundations as I move them around to get the doors in place. I also make use of the vault catwalks to keep our original foundation adjustments lined up with the foundation we want to center the doors to. Otherwise, we're just using vanilla game assets to achieve the end result. You can definitely achieve this without the use of the two atomic shop items, but they will make your day so much easier. Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE so you get the latest content from Vladministrator Gaming! It's the best way to support my channel, and its FREE! You can also find me at the links below.

Awesome Camp Locations

Awesome Camp Locations Halloween Edition | Fallout 76
Vladministrator Gaming

Awesome Camp Locations Halloween Edition | Fallout 76

#Fallout76 #Halloween #Vladministrator Hello Wastelanders! Vlad's back at it again with a whole slew of Awesome Camp Locations. 15 Locations fit for the perfect Halloween Build! Its October, so its time to bring out all the stops and put together your best eerie, sinister, or tricky camp builds and these locations will set you up for success. 👍 I've done my best to give you locations that provide a great bit of character and preexisting elements that will allow you to really make the area a part of your theme. I've spread the love amongst most of the biomes in the game, though I did leave out the mire. I'm just not a fan of all that green mist messing up the lighting and my recording. Narrating today is Grimm Jack Vlad, the animated Jack-o'-lantern. Grimm Jack was drawn by Juan over at comix lab and brought to life using adobe character animator. This is something new I'm trying, so hopefully you get a bit of a kick out of it. I don't use a webcam to record myself when doing commentary so our animated friend is filling the void. Make sure you check out Comixs Lab Here: P.S. If you're a fan of Comix Lab, Jaun does commissioned graphic design, so feel free to reach out 😉 Here's a list so you can jump around to your hearts content, or just go back to a location. 0:00 Introduction 0:19 Hopewell Cave Cemetery 0:58 Forest Scrapyard 1:52 Cultist Ritual Tree 2:41 Twin Houses 3:36 Mothman Megalith Shrine 4:23 Walter White Money Pit 4:51 Sacrificial Site 5:40 Cul-de-sac 6:08 The Burning Chair 6:27 Mannequin Bar 7:31 Mothman Egg Shed 8:29 The Pumpkin Patch 9:14 Point Pleasant Cultist Tree 9:58 Spider House 11:08 Cultist Worship Pire 11:34 Like, Share, Subscribe Do you have a favorite Halloween Camp Location? Let me know in the comments. Thanks for Watching. Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE so you get the latest content from Vladministrator Gaming! Its the best way to support my channel, and its FREE! You can also find me at the links below.
I Found an Abandoned Cave! | Fallout 76 Awesome Camp Location
Vladministrator Gaming

I Found an Abandoned Cave! | Fallout 76 Awesome Camp Location

#Fallout76 #FalloutCamps #Vladministrator Hello Wastelanders, I found a cave, or rather rediscovered a cave in Fallout 76! I missed this one in some of my previous camp locations videos, and thought this one was special enough to get its own video. I'll show you what it looks like before and after I added come customization. You can really hide the entrance well with this one, so passers by may never know you are camped in this location. I can't wait to turn on my vendor and see if players find their way into the camp. Inside the main chamber is an old campfire location with a coffee pot in it. I was able to merge a campfire down below ground using a conduit and a pressure plate to make it look like the fire was burning, without messing up the aesthetics created by the coffee pot. I'm really happy with the result. I found that there is a hidden cavity above the cave main chamber as well. Using a cooking station, I was able to access this part of the cave and make a hidden seating area and a safe haven for my ammunition machine. Overall this location is pretty cool. A great place for those who prefer some privacy and/or a simple camp. Or you could easily go all out on a camp and make the cave your hidden getaway. Thanks for watching everyone! Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE so you get the latest content from Vladministrator Gaming! Its the best way to support my channel, and its FREE! You can also find me at the links below.
Awesome Camp Locations with Caves and Overhangs | Fallout 76
Vladministrator Gaming

Awesome Camp Locations with Caves and Overhangs | Fallout 76

Hello Wastelanders, Vlad is back with some more Awesome C.A.M.P. Locations so you can rebuild the Wasteland! The theme of this locations video is Caves and Overhangs. Now, I did a video on these once before, but this one has all new locations and I think you'll be pleased with the sections. So put on your cave gear, and lets get to exploring! Our first location is probably the biggest cave available for you to use in the game at the moment. And the best part is, I've never seen anyone actually using this cave for their camp! We're up in the Northern Forest for this one, in a collapsed rail tunnel. You won't want to miss this one, it has lots of potential. The second location in our video is the scene of a police shootout! It has some preexisting structure built around a nice overhang. This would be a great place to build a lore friendly camp. This one is on the edge of the Mire and the savage divide. Next we have a very resource rich entry. This location is frequented often, and actually used to have a much bigger cave. Inside the existing cage you'll find an acid deposit. The cliff above it has a really nice archway, and a lead deposit. This location was meant for the ammo making enthusiast! This location is in the south of the Savage Divide. We're headed back up North and the Forest for this next one. Just to the west of Vault 51 is a very nice overhang, where some poor souls previously set up their own ragtag camp. The remains of their camp are still there and waiting to be incorporated in to your own build. This next location is more of a bunker than a cave, but it really has a nice cave feel. This location will feel like home, even if you don't place a single camp object. Moving on we end up at one of the few regularly used locations on the list with what I call the boat overhang. This one has a small lake in front, with an acid deposit. The overhang includes a makeshift dock for the in-tack boat. I really like the look of this location even though I've never built here myself. This next location is a manmade cave. In reality is part of a collapsed highway. You've got your choice of a smaller portion of the highway with a tent set up underneath the highway, or the larger portion of the collapsed highway with quite a bit of room to make yourself at home. The large of the two also has a steel deposit you can take advantage of. I have one of my camps set up at this location, and its perfect for lore friendly builds. The last location of the day is a small little overhang out in the forest. This one could easily be part of a hidden area in your camp or a cool spot for a minimalist camp with just some essentials. Locations: 0:00 Intro 0:19 Train Tunnel Cave 0:52 Police Shootout 1:30 Lake Eloise Cave 2:12 Vault 51 Overhang 2:43 Traincar Bunker 3:20 Boat Cave 3:50 Highway Overpass 4:30 Forest Overhang Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE so you get the latest content from Vladministrator Gaming! Its the best way to support my channel, and its FREE! You can also find me at the links below. #Fallout76 #CampLocations #Vladministrator
Awesome C.A.M.P. Locations with Houses, Shacks, and Cabins | Fallout 76
Vladministrator Gaming

Awesome C.A.M.P. Locations with Houses, Shacks, and Cabins | Fallout 76

Vlad's Back with More! Awesome C.A.M.P. Locations All these locations have useable Houses, Shacks, or Cabins! My last video with these included over 15 locations, but I missed a few. Here's some more to fill your insatiable needs for the best C.A.M.P. Locations in the wasteland. I've got 6 new locations, plus 1 bonus location for you. Areas of the map include the Savage Divide, The Forest, Toxic Valley, and the Ashe Heap. First up is a Pre-War house near Clarksburg. Its got a really nice and debris free front porch, two floors, and a swing set out back. Not a bad location if you want to be close to Crater. Next we have a makeshift shack build around a dump truck. This one has a really nice wasteland survivalist vibe to it and 2 pre-existing workbenches to boot. If all you wanted to do was throw down your stash box, you'd have a complete camp ready to go. Beware of the turret that spawns here though, don't want to be caught off guard. Moving one we head to a trifecta of Overlook Cabins. Yes there are three cabins right next to each other, ready for you to move in. This locations has some NPCs that will spawn in to give the camp some extra life. The next location is a neat little shack overlooking Charleston station. It is a Nukashine blackout spawn location, so you're likely to get some hung over visitors from time to time, but hey that may increase your profits from your vendors! This shack also has NPCs that can spawn in as well as a functional bed and weapons workbench. We're headed back to the Toxic Valley for the next location. This one is a fairly large house. It also has a barn that's in disrepair close by. The location regularly spawns some hostile enemies so be ready for that. Inside, everything is pretty well decorated and the upstairs doesn't have any gaping holes to fall though. Overall not a bad location if you can get over the hostiles. We're headed to the center of the map just south of Fort Atlas to find our next location. This one is a prebuilt shack with a nice set of gardens planted in some partially submerged vehicles around the back. Inside the shack there isn't mush except some empty bedframes. This is a nice candidate for you to build your own structure onto. Lastly we have our bonus location. This one isn't a cabin, shack, or house but it is a preexisting structure with plenty of potential. I'll leave the info for the video on this one. Timestamps for the locations are below so you can skip ahead, or so you can revisit a location quickly. 0:00 Intro 0:17 Clarksburg house 1:00 Dump Truck Shack 1:25 Overlook Cabins 1:57 Charleston Shack 2:27 Toxic Valley House 3:13 Seneca Shack 3:37 Bonus Location Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE so you get the latest content from Vladministrator Gaming! Its the best way to support my channel, and its FREE! You can also find me at the links below. #Fallout76 #CampLocations #Vladministrator
Awesome Camp Locations with Cabins and Houses | Fallout 76
Vladministrator Gaming

Awesome Camp Locations with Cabins and Houses | Fallout 76

Hello Wastelanders. Today’s video has some great C.A.M.P. Locations for your Fallout 76 builds. I’ve scoured the wastes of Appalachia for only the best HOUSES and CABINS. You won’t find any that are half gone in this showcase, these are all COMPLETELY USEABLE cabins and houses, no boarded up ones here. The locations in today’s video all have cabins or houses for you to incorporate into you build. In total there are OVER 15 Cabins and Houses included in this video at 10 locations. If that wasn’t enough I’ve got a HOLY GRAIL location to share with 2 houses, access to water, and preexisting crops! These locations are great for beginners and experts alike. They provide a great opportunity for lore friendly builds and can incorporate objects we can’t build ourselves. You can achieve some really cool and authentic aesthetics to your camp and leave other players wondering if it was all built into the game! These are some of the most sought-after locations with pre-existing structures in the game, so I decided to help you with the exploration part so you can jump straight into constructing your ultimate camp. On top of having some really great preexisting structures at all these locations, many have other elements too such as access to water and other resources. The locations are spread out all over the map. Below is a link to each location in the video so that you can revisit and find it quickly once its time for you to start on your next camp build. 0:00 Introduction 0:26 Mire Cabin 1:36 J Schram's House 3:00 Cranberry Bog Cabin 4:03 Roach House 5:32 Savage Divide Cabin 6:32 Charleston Fire station House 7:59 Cabin Edge of Mire 9:25 Flatwoods Lookout House 10:26 Three Large Cabins 12:37 Seneca Rock Visitor Center Houses 15:26 Holy Grail Location – CHECK IT OUT Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE so you get the latest content from Vladministrator Gaming! Its the best way to support my channel. You can also find me at the links below.
Awesome Camp Locations Parks and Recreation | Fallout 76
Vladministrator Gaming

Awesome Camp Locations Parks and Recreation | Fallout 76

Hello Wastelanders. This video covers 7 locations, PLUS 1 Bonus Location fitting to the theme of Parks and Recreation to make your next Fallout 76 Camp Build fun and incorporate unique elements at each location you cannot find anywhere else in the game! Many of these locations incorporate pre-existing structures and water making them ideal locations for a unique and resource friendly camp builds in Fallout 76. Beginners and Experts will find these locations appealing. I checked all these locations after the New Fallout 76 Steel Dawn update, so they are still buildable areas and ready for claiming! I've tried to cover a wide variety of the Fallout 76 Biome regions. These locations cover areas in the Ashe Heap, The Savage Divide, The Mire, and The Forest. Besides showing you around the location, I'll show you exactly where you can find this on your Map of Appalachia, that way you can jump straight into the fun of building once you identify your next homestead. Below is a brief title/description of each location and the point where it appears in the video. That way you can skip ahead to the ones that suit your fancy or so if you are returning to the video to pin down the exact location on your map, then you can jump straight where you need to. 0:00 Camp Locations with Pre-Existing Structures 0:16 Mountain Lake 1:02 Lake with Dock 1:56 Treehouse 3:19 Camper Unit 4:39 Airstream Motorcycle Track 5:45 Volleyball 6:20 Pristine Playground 7:29 Bonus Location CHECK IT OUT! Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE so you get the latest content from Vladministrator Gaming! Its the best way to support my channel. You can also find me at the links below.

Fallout 76 Guides

Meet Steven Scarberry
Vladministrator Gaming

Meet Steven Scarberry

#Fallout76 #FalloutCamps #Vladministrator Hello Wastelanders, Today we'll be speaking with our new ally Steven Scarberry! Steven can be claimed from the Rip Daring Scoreboard. In the video We go through the dialogue tree to learn Steven's background and how he ended up at our camp. Steven is on his own personal spiritual journey. He might not look like your typical wasteland cultist, but he's a believer through and through. We'll also cover the benefits that Steven can provide. Beyond general camp guard duties, Steven can act as a merchant and also provide a True Mothman Blessing to help you gain some extra XP on your wasteland adventures. I purposefully left out some of the dialogue, so you can explore more on your own. He has some unique dialogue options tied to some wasteland quests, so be sure to complete your cyprid themed quests to unlock them all. Thanks for watching Everyone! 0:00 Intro 0:24 How to Unlock 0:37 Stevens build menu location 1:28 Meeting Steven 2:57 Deeper Conversation 10:29 Steven's Services and Buff 12:29 Conclusion I'm on Discord! Check out the Lucy and Vlad's Gaming Emporium sever and join the community! Chat with me, Lucy Jane Plays, and other gamers as we share our adventures, share advise, and jump into fun games. Join using the link below! Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE so you get the latest content from Vladministrator Gaming! It's the best way to support my channel, and its FREE! You can also find me at the links below.
Become a Wasteland Space Cowboy | Alien Blaster Round Acquisition Guide Fallout 76
Vladministrator Gaming

Become a Wasteland Space Cowboy | Alien Blaster Round Acquisition Guide Fallout 76

Hello Wastelanders, In today's video I'll be showing you how to acquire some Alien Blaster rounds to fuel your newly acquired alien arsenal in #Fallout76 and become a true Wasteland Space Cowboy, or Cowgirl! We start things out by going on an unmarked quest to locate the key for TNT Dome #2. This dome will have guaranteed Alien Blaster Rounds and is the only map spawn point for this ammo that I am aware of. Our journey will take us to the Toxic Valley, Freddy Fear's House of Scares, Morgantown, Pleasant Valley Cabins, and Finally to Black Mountain Ordinance Works to Open the TNT Dome 2. Now that you have your hands on some of these rare rounds, we can take advantage of the Contextual Ammo Looting in the game to get some more quickly. Head into daily ops and be sure to pull out your Alien Blaster or Disintegrator when you get to the final boss. They'll drop the rounds if you finish the fight with the AB round weapon. You'll also be rewarded with some rounds as part of the Daily Ops ammo rewards. You can also collect AB rounds from killing mobs in the wasteland. This method while helpful, can still result in your supply depleting over time as you may expend more ammo than you get back. I hope that helps you keep your magazines full for your newly acquired alien weaponry. Thanks for Watching! Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE so you get the latest content from Vladministrator Gaming! It's the best way to support my channel, and its FREE! You can also find me at the links below.
Meet Xerxo the Zebulonian | NEW Fallout 76 Ally
Vladministrator Gaming

Meet Xerxo the Zebulonian | NEW Fallout 76 Ally

Hello Wastelanders, Meet Xerxo, our new #Fallout76 ally available at level 50 of the Zorbo's Revenge Scoreboard! Join me as I speak with him and learn about our new ally and what he has to offer. I'll quickly cover how to claim Xerxo from the scoreboard and place his spaceship camp item. Then we'll make first contact with Xerxo and get a bit of his background. If he's to be believed, then he's a living breathing extraterrestrial, who while "Paying" you to use your camp is actively plotting to sell it from beneath your feet. We also take a look at the Perk Buff that Xerxo can provide as well as what he has for sale. Xerxo's buff provides a 1 point increase in Perception as well as a 50% reduction in Fast Travel Costs. This can be helpful to newer players seeking to hold onto as many caps as possible. The buff only lasts 30 minutes, so good thing travel back to your camp is free. I don't go over all of Xerxo's dialogue, just the quick introductions and look into his offerings to the player. He's got quite a few witty proclamations to make, or just overall ridiculous notions to share. I think the radiation is getting to him. Thanks for watching. #Vladministrator #FalloutCamps Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE so you get the latest content from Vladministrator Gaming! It's the best way to support my channel, and its FREE! You can also find me at the links below.
Fallout 76 Holiday Scorched 2021 | Drop Rates, Rewards, and Hunting Guide
Vladministrator Gaming

Fallout 76 Holiday Scorched 2021 | Drop Rates, Rewards, and Hunting Guide

Hello Wastelanders, The Holiday Scorched are upon us in #Fallout76 so Join me for a quick look at the new Camp Rewards, Drop Rates, and Hunting Tips. This year has several new Camp Item plans available from the loot pool. The new items are: Tattered Curtains Red Rocket Gas Pump Wall Light Vintage Water Cooler Wall Mounted Fan Red Rocket Gas Station Lamp Bohemoth Boss Plushie Nuka Girl Area Rug Barbed Wire Fences The wall mounted fan had the best drop rate with a 4.5% drop rate. The Barbed Wire Fences and Red Rocket Gas Pump Wall Light were at the bottom of the drop rate percentages with just a 1.5% drop rate. These results are based on opening 200 of the Large Hand-Wrapped Holiday Gifts. These Large Hand wrapped Gifts tend to have the best chances at the rare plans and the crafting components can be purchased from Train Station vendors and the vendor bots of the Whitespring. Overall, these new items are pretty nice. The whole lot of them seem pretty well thought out by the dev team. The drop rates could be a bit better, but the event does run for a couple of weeks, so there should be plenty of time to collect them all, and possibly squirrel some away as trade items in the future. As for the hunting guide, I take you through my normal set of destinations to search for the holiday scorched. The holiday scorched only spawn in the "Outdoors" areas of the map, so if you have to go through a loading screen to enter the building, tunnel, cave, or mine then don't expect to find any holiday scorched inside. Buildings you can enter without a loading screen are fair game. Fissure sites are great places to hunt. The three marked sites in the Cranberry Bog are reasonably close to each other, so check these out if you want a low fast travel expense. The best fissure site in my opinion is the one near the pumpkin house. It generally spawns quite a bit of scorched, thus more chances at locating the Holiday scorched in their midst. Be on the lookout for events that can spawn scorched as part of the enemy pool. Events such as Scorched Earth, Line in the Sand, Dropped Connection at Seneca Rocks, Distinguished Guests, and Collision Course are all great events to check out. You can initiate Collision Course on your own. Hopefully all these gets you prepared for the Holiday Scorched 2021 event starting Dec. 21st. Thanks for Watching! Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE so you get the latest content from Vladministrator Gaming! It's the best way to support my channel, and its FREE! You can also find me at the links below.
Wildwood Den Bundle Ins and Outs | Fallout 76
Vladministrator Gaming

Wildwood Den Bundle Ins and Outs | Fallout 76

Hello Wastelanders, Today #Vladministrator is going to cover the Ins and Outs of the Wildwood Den Bundle available in the #Fallout76 Atomic Shop. I'm covering all the thing you want to know that either make these items useful, or just an afterthought for your camp build. I start things off with the Wildwood Den itself. I go over its lack of snap points, attaching items to the walls, ceiling light placement issues, door snapping restraints, and repair costs. This prefab is pretty spacious inside, and the model has some nice detail to it. Overall, it's a pretty solid prefab, if you can get over the ceiling light placement issues you may encounter. Next, I go over the Covered bridge. This item is my favorite of the bundle. one of the only items we have with a unique roof profile, and the only one with a 60-degree peak. You'll be limited to snapping foundations to one side of the cap piece, but you can build foundations around it once the first is snapped. Right now, I don't see a way to get one of the middle pieces to place without attaching to the cap. If you own the other bridge kit, then the two sets will snap to each other so you can mix and match to your desires. I go over a way to get stairs flush with the cap piece, even though there's no snap point, and show you how it looks with walls placed on either side. Could make a nice little shed or shack. Finally, I go over the Red Cedar Hedge. This one is found under your defenses category like our other fence options. They will snap to foundations, as well as some other fence sets. The gate variants do have some problems with snapping to foundations at times, and can give an "item needs support" error. Overall, this is a pretty solid bundle. Definitely worth getting the bundle if you like two of the three items, as opposed to separately. The items aren't without their flaws, but they aren't game breaking issues. Thanks for watching! Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE so you get the latest content from Vladministrator Gaming! It's the best way to support my channel, and its FREE! You can also find me at the links below.
Who Wants Some Popcorn! | Fallout 76 Popcorn Machine
Vladministrator Gaming

Who Wants Some Popcorn! | Fallout 76 Popcorn Machine

#Fallout76 #PopcornMachine #Vladministrator Come get your Popcorn! I was finally able to place the Popcorn Machine on xbox after it was originally missing from the build menu. Here I quickly show you the popcorn, the food effects, and where to find it in the build menu. One of two things were the trigger for the Machine showing in my build menu from what I can tell. First, I restarted the game client today before playing. I also made a purchase from the atomic shop for the discounted turkey outfit. I believe one of the two triggered the machine to show in the build menu, since I haven't seen an official notice from Bethesda regarding them fixing the visibility issue I experience, along with many other players, since earning the reward on Saturday. The machine can be found in the build menu under the resources category if it isn't bugged for you. You'll need to power it to start popping that buttery goodness. The popcorn itself provides an HP regen, and an AP refresh buff. Quite a nice wasteland snack! Thanks for Watching! Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE so you get the latest content from Vladministrator Gaming! Its the best way to support my channel, and its FREE! You can also find me at the links below.

Š2020 by Vladministrator Gaming.

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